Monotile Trading Srl has a thirty-year experience in producing traditional cement and marble chips floor tiles. However, it stand out as its organization, production and image turn it into a dynamic and continuously evolving company.
The craftsmanship acquired during the first company experience and the enthusiasm for a renovated structure have given a concrete prospect to conquer an important position in the field of paving, using originality and the distinction from other well-known products.
The single-layer tiles system development has lead to remarkable results allowing the creation of a product which is absolutely innovative in a developing market that keeps on looking for something new. The positive response to the realization of the first items and the growing interest shown by many firms in this field, indicate the tangible achievements lead by our choices these years.

The development of an idea
The interest shown by the world of production upgrading its knowledge to a wider cultural sphere, these years has been felt as a real necessity by the entrepreneurial world; companies are extremely sensitive to the planetary transformation. Monotile Trading Srl being a referential company in the raised marble cement flooring sector, is an example of how these necessities may be turned to opportunities to be shared with the whole community. These years the company, obtaining important supplies in modern European architecture, wanted to strengthen the relationship with professionals all over the world. New rearrangements of the organisational set-up let management follow consumers’ requests about floor laying. Following suggestions, research and studies in the field have been increased to optimize the product’s quality in order to deal with new technological architectures, overcome by modern comfort criterias.
Nowadays, the architecture is directed towards the resolution of problems such as the environmental conservation, the reduction of pollution, the healthcare and sustainable energy. Companies working in the construction sector can be decisive with improving research. Monotile Trading Srl belongs to those companies open to discussion and to a dialogue with professionals; indeed, it has chosen to promote new trials and future projects raising the interest of all the operators. The act of sharing the concept of the environmentally-aware architecture evaluates the quality of progress in a civilization undertaking to improve life conditions through a sustainable construction of the human habitat.